Investing time, energy, and money in sponsored ads on Amazon is an excellent strategy to enhance shoppers’ digital experience, as well as help them discover your brand and make informed buying decisions.
Sponsored ads are not something you simply “set and forget” – you need to regularly monitor and tweak your marketing to get the most out of your investments.
Here are some tips to help you maximize capitalization from your campaigns.
- Choose the right keywords
Selecting the right keywords is critical. Your keywords will trigger your ad to appear in search results, so you need to pick relevant keywords if you want to reach more valuable leads.
Amazon Sponsored Products have two options for choosing keywords to target your audience:
- Automatic targeting
- Manual targeting
Automatic targeting is a great option if you have yet to acquire any keyword data for your product listings. With automatic targeting, Amazon suggests a list of potential keywords for your sponsored listing; afterward, you’ll get some data about these keywords and how well they performed. With these insights, you can focus on the most relevant keywords, making the switch to manual targeting easier.
Manual targeting is used when you already have your own set of keywords. You must conduct your own keyword research and decide which ones will drive the most optimal results. This is best suited for brands that have experience running Amazon-sponsored ad campaigns. While it does take more work to identify the right keywords, you’ll have more control over your campaign and be able to make the most cost-effective decisions for your business.
- Optimize your title
Your title is one of the first things customers see when they find your ad, making title optimization paramount in driving leads to your product page. Integrate keywords to boost your ad’s relevance in searches – the more keywords you use, the better the chances are of your ad appearing in relevant search results.
- Ensure your target keywords are in your product listings
For your ads to show up in searches, you also need to add your target keywords in the copy of your product listings. However, keyword placement has to be strategic and not too obvious, otherwise your listings won’t have a natural flow and will not read well. Create compelling product descriptions and bullet points while discretely scattering relevant keywords throughout the sales copy.
- Stay in stock
Running out of stock on Amazon is never a good thing for sellers. If your inventory is out of stock, your ads will pause, so take care to have a healthy level of inventory before running any ad campaign. Staying stocked also helps you provide a positive customer experience – your product detail page allows customers to see whether or not your item is available.
- Optimize your campaigns regularly
Continue optimizing your Amazon ad campaigns on a frequent basis (at least once every two weeks). Successful Amazon advertising campaigns are not created overnight; they are the result of months-long optimization. Don’t optimize your campaigns with a different set of keywords from the ones in your listings – you will only stand to lose potential sales and organic ranking doing so. Always optimize your PPC campaigns with relevant keywords and, as mentioned earlier, target a similar set of keywords in your product listings as well.
- Prevent your ads from showing in irrelevant searches
Amazon advertising offers the option to restrict ads from specific searches through the use of “negative keywords.” When used correctly, negative keywords can save money and increase conversions by showing your ads to more demographically qualified shoppers. You can also use match types with negative keywords to create “negative phrase match” and “negative exact match” keywords. Note that you can build your negative keyword list over time – check your search report often to identify more excludable keywords.
- Set different bids based on performance and value
Not all products will yield the same profit margin. Therefore, you cannot bid the same amount for all keywords, elsewise you’ll merely lose money on products with low profits. Keep in mind that if your campaigns are new, you’ll need to set higher bids to gain search history. Only after search history and sales have been established should you set your bids back to normal.
- Monitor your campaign
Like any other marketing strategy, it’s important that you monitor your PPC campaign’s performance. You’ll need to determine whether or not your ads are driving success for your business. Always trust data over instinct – it’s important that you know which keywords are and aren’t driving traffic. Monitor your campaigns to ensure you’re using your money wisely and raking in the best results for your business.
It will take time, patience, and a lot of tweaking before you see campaign results. Wait and watch before drastically changing your marketing strategy – the data is on your side when it comes to deciding the best approach for your brand.
Need help optimizing your Amazon-sponsored ads?
At Rank N Bank, we have years of experience optimizing PPC campaigns to help businesses earn more profit. We have a team of experts ready to bring their knowledge and expertise to your campaign.
Start creating successful campaigns that drive valuable leads and conversions for your business. Schedule a call with us today!